Dear Future Client…
You’re here. This must mean you are curious about what it might be like to work together. I can imagine you right now – in fact, I’ve been you. Looking for support for myself, or for someone I care about can be hard and overwhelming. I’m usually in a bit of turmoil, or something has happened to motivate me into action. There is always coffee, and Kleenex and several tabs open on my laptop in an effort to see every available option.
I also know that it’s easy to look at seeking support, and then to look away. That simply by seeing the path forward we feel a sense of relief because we’ve started something significant. But I also know that it’s not quite enough to just look, you need to keep going. Trust me, I get it – this can feel both hard and hopeful at the same time.
So here we are, together…and we’re in this. I’m guessing you are wondering if “now” is really the right time to start into counselling. It takes time, resources, and money. Yes, this is all true, and to find time can be the most difficult. Here’s the thing, doing “nothing” when there is a call to action in your own life also zaps your energy, emotional resilience and is ultimately a drain on your time. You might not see it yet, but leaving things unexamined creates tension and stress and depletes you in physical ways. As someone who has shared this space with you, at the intersection of curiosity and ambivalence I’m going to answer this for you. Yes…now is the right time to start.
The familiarity in your seeking is important because it tells you that there is more to learn and that you have the inner drive to move towards a healthier you. I want to encourage you to say “yes” to yourself today. And, if this is indeed your first time, take care of yourself and listen to your intuition, save yourself the time of circling back…there really is no better time than now.
I know firsthand that there are great things on the other side of this work, the path forward is yours to explore. Today, you’ve started something and it’s your first step towards the best version of you.